I am delighted to be a contributing arthor in Goodness Abounds - 365 True Stories of Loving Kindness. In life we mostly hear of all the drama, bad news, and the ugly. In this book it's quite refreshing to hear all of the stories of GOOD! Please share this and pass the word on, because
When I Discovered the Healing Frequencies of Sound Therapy
– Posted in: sound therapy
My life and my daughters life changed when I discovered the healing frequencies of sound therapy. I have shared my story with a few, and though it would be great to share here on my site. I went with a friend to a Holistic Health Fair, where I met a lady who had a sound
Be the change you wish to see in the world
– Posted in: inspirational quotes
I love this and it is so true. We see what we are. We attract what we are. When our internal world is chaos, we see chaos. When our internal world is drama, we are drama. When our internal world is peace, we see peace. When our internal wold is calm, we are calm. When
What is an Energy Therapy Session or Energy Healing
– Posted in: energy therapy
An energy therapy session or energy healing is simply working with the energy and etheric field of the body. The human body is comprised of more than just the physical body, in which you can see and touch. Like everything else, your body is made of energy and has it's own energy field called the aura. Within that field you
How to Tell if Your Chakras are Blocked Using a Pendulum
– Posted in: chakrasI love working with pendulums so I decided to write this article on how to tell if your chakras are blocked using a pendulum. When I mention Chakras in conversations, I often get asked What is a Chakra If you are not familiar with the Chakra System then you may opt to get my course
How to Live Life Fully Each Day
– Posted in: purpose filled lifeYou think we would know, How to Live Life Fully Each Day That's not the case though. Most of us go through each day Stressed the **Bleep** out, worrying about this or that...money, the kids, our weight, our looks, our health, our family, what the jones are doing better than us... whatever the case may
I Love a Challenge…
– Posted in: beyond boundariesHere we go for putting myself OUT there! Talk about stepping out beyond my boundaries. In week 2 of the Quick Start Challenge we were challenged to make a video, and to actually get in front of the camera. Yes, I have done this before, not loving it though. Okay........ I will work on embracing the
Looking for a Guru Look in the Mirror
– Posted in: gratitude for selfI was sitting on my porch a week or two after arriving in GA enjoying a cup of coffee and the beautiful scenery, yes, this is a little old house that is on the property I live on and the sun was hitting it just beautifully, when these words came through to me, yet again.
The Life of a Lightworker
– Posted in: spiritualNew Beginnings in The Life of a Lightworker I have recently had a huge shift in my life. I moved from Las Vegas to a small town in Georgia. I had been told before I moved that part of my purpose was to spread light and love, to offer people a different perspective on things